Friday, 11 February 2011

Asgard and Dwarves

Odin assigned rulers in the beginning. He asked them to judge, along with him, people's fates and to oversee the stronghold of Asgard. This was done at Idavoll (Eternally Renewing Field) which was in the middle of  Asgard. The first task was to build a temple where their seats were placed - twelve in all in addition to Odin's (All-Father) throne. Inside and out all seemed to be made of gold. It is called Glasheim (Home of Joy). A second hall, a sanctuary which belongs to the goddesses was built. It is Vigolf (Friendly Quarter).
They set up forges making all manner of tools. There they worked stone, metal, wood and great amounts of gold. All household items were made of gold. This age is called 'The Golden Age' but it was spoiled by women who came from the Giant Land.
The gods took their places on thrones. Their judgements were issued here. They remembered where dwarves had come to life in the ground under the earth. They were like maggots in flesh. For the dwarves arrived first finding their life in Ymir's flesh. At this time they were maggots but the decision of the gods gave them human understanding and thus they assumed the likeness of men.
The first dwarves thus lived according to the Sibyl's Prophecy (The Sibyl's Prophecy - Prose Edda):
Then all the powerful gods went
to their thrones of fate,
the most sacred gods, and
decided among themselves
that a troop of dwarves
should be created
from the waves of blood
and from Blain's limbs.
There in men's likeness
were made many
dwarves in the earth
as Durin said.
These, says the seer Sibyl are:
Nyi, Nidi,
Nordri, Sudri,
Austri, Vestri,
Althjolf, Dvalin,
Nar, Nain,
Niping, Dain,
Bifur, Bafur,
Bombor, Nori,
Ori, Onar,
Oin, Modvitnir,
Vig and Gandalf,
Vindalf, Thorin,
Fili, Kili,
Fundin, Vali,
Thror, Thorin,
Thekk, Lit, Vitr,
Nyr, Nyrad,
Rekk, Radsvinn
These dwarves live in the rocks:
Draupnir, Dolgtvari,
Haur, Hugstari,
Heldjolf, Gloin,
Dori, Ori,
Duf, Andvari,
Har, Siar.
And these dwarves came to Svarin's mound to the Pebble Plains (Joruvellir) at the Mud Fields, (Aurvangar).
Lofar is a a descendant and these are their names:
Skirir, Virpir,
Skafinn, Ai,
Alf, Ingi,
Fal, Frosti,
Finn and Ginnar.

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