There is an enigma here. It seems there were no people who populated the earth but still the Aesir walked. There are often discrepancies in The Prose Edda on this subject.
The sons of Bor (Odin or Odin's father) walked along the seashore and found two trees. From these logs they created two people.
The first son gave them breath and life, the second: intelligence and movement; the third: speech, hearing and sight. Bor's sons gave them clothing and names. From these three entities were produced (this is vague as how?) Man: Ask (Ash Tree - as in Yggdrasil) and Woman Embla (Elm or Vine). From these two creations came Mankind, given a home near Midgard's wall.
They made a stronghold for themselves which is Asgard in the middle of the world. Many events took place here, on the Earth and in the Sky.
Odin sat in his high seat where he could see through all worlds and into everything 'man' did. He understood everything he saw from Hlidskjalf (Watchtower).
Odin's wife is Frigg and from this family come the kin we call Aesir.
Each family was divine. For this reason he is called 'All Father'. From Earth: his daughter and wife, he has his first son, Asa-Thor (or Thor). Thor is all powerful and defeats all living creatures.
Night and Day
Norfi or Narfi lived in Giant Land. His daughter is Night. She marries first to Naglfari. Their son is Aud (wealth). Then she marries to Annar (Second): their daughter is Earth.
Night was finally married to Delling and their son is Day. He was bright and beautiful as all the Aesir are.
All Father gave Night and Day two horses and two chariots, placing them in the sky to ride around the eartth every 24 hours. His horse Hrimfaxi (Frost Mane) sprinkles the earth with dew. Day's horse, Skinfaxi (Shining Mane) lights up the sky and earth.
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